Counsellors are trained in various approaches whilst most of
them are psychological. Counselling is initially an investigation of an
unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. However, there are approaches
which a counsellor process based on human psychology.
Here is the list of scientific approaches in counselling:-
Person Centred Approach
This approach is totally based on derivations from humanistic psychology. This approach is mandated personally providing the person with a growth-promoting environment. The counsellor initially bounds the person with empathetic understanding, genuineness and unconditional positivity which most of the people crave for. This approach’s main objective is to assist people in the growth process.
Cognitive Behavioural Approach
This approach synthesises that the emotions arrive
from beliefs, interpretations and generalisations in Life. Understanding this
concept, counsellors help the people learn belief identification which plays a
vital role in recoiling emotions and behavioural situations in life. This is an
insight focal therapy where people dig out their negative thoughts and beliefs
and fill up the void with their positive core beliefs.
Behavioural Approach
Behaviour therapy emerged as a major power in psychology which is why it is applied to business, industry and child-rearing. This is an action-oriented approach dealing with current problems faced by people while they fail to realise their past. In one session of this therapy people facing such problems learn and practise certain skills where instructions, modelling and performance feedback is provided by the counsellors.
Gestalt Approach
This approach is an experiential approach that
emphasizes gaining a high rate of awareness. The initial objective of this therapy is
to spread awareness amongst people what they’ve been experiencing since people
have the capacity for self-control and regulation once they understand what’s
happening with and around them. While emphasizing the direct experience of
feelings, people confront feelings like pain, resentment, anxiety, grief and
abandonment which is unexpressed by them.