Top Four grossing movies in Hollywood that might surprise you

Calculation of the world's best Hollywood movie is the streaming interest. Such movies bring huge revenue that has the power to shift the overall culture at large. You will find a huge bag of Disney, superheroes and sequel produced films. Every little movie last for more than 15 years and more.


Below are the 5 biggest blockbusters in Hollywood History:


1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's 

Released Date: 1937

What it Made: $982 million

First animated feature movie as of Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, which led to building huge financial and cultural behemoth. 


2. Titanic

Released Date: 1997

What it Made: $1.22 billion

Titanic is listed among the top 10 hit movie that lasts from the last 25 years. This movie is a famous movie over the last two and a half decades.


3. The Ten Commandments

Released Date: 1956

What it Made: $1.18 Billion

It shows the most familiar stories with stunning scenes. It is nominated one among the Seven Academy Awards. 


4. The Exorcist

Released Date: 1973

What it Made: $996.4 million 

Good Business of Hollywood comes from terrifying people. The Exorcists movie is based on the devilishly frightening content. 

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