8 Foods to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

Feeling stressed, panicked and restless are common these days in the teenagers as well as adults. People struggle a lot with their sudden hormonal hanges, a spike in blood pressure and emotional distress. If you are familiar with any of these, there are chances that you are suffering from anxiety. Anxiety is a medical condition in which a person experiences intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear. It is a condition that requires attention and should be treated carefully.

Other than medications and therapies, people can recover from anxiety by making changes in their diets. There are certain foods that provide instant relief to the body and calm down the nerves. 

Here are 8 foods that can help in preventing anxiety attacks.

Green Tea

Green Tea is brewed from unoxidized leaves and is the least processed tea which is why it contains the most anti-oxidants and is extremely beneficial. Green tea has amino acids and anti-anxiety properties that help in relaxing and sleeping better. Drinking green tea along with a few drops of honey is good for calming and soothing the mind. In addition, it is effective in losing weight, regulating body temperature and it aids indigestion.


Avocado is high in healthy fats and includes about 20 different vitamins and minerals. It contains Vitamin K, folate, Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin E and many others. The most important of them all is Vitamin B6, which has neurotransmitter that helps in changing the anxious mood and calms the nervous system.


Haldi or Turmeric is one of the most popular Indian spices. It has been used as a medicinal herb as well as in cooking for thousands of years. Studies have shown that it has major health benefits for our body and brain. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a strong anti-oxidant. It effectively reduces stress and calms down the disturbed mood.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is loaded with nutrients that have positive effects on our health and is the best source of anti-oxidants. It lowers the risk of heart diseases and is a great stress buster. It is effective in changing the mood and inducing a feeling of happiness by relaxing our brain.


Eating yoghurt has a lot of health benefits. It is great for losing weight and has positive effects on our skin. It is a fermented food and helps in reducing anxiety and depression. 

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are edible seeds of the Brazil Nut tree. They can be eaten raw or blanched and has important nutrients including magnesium, zinc, calcium, Vitamin E and some of the B group Vitamins. These nuts have a powerful nutrient called selenium which improves the mood and relaxes the body, which is why they are recommended during anxiety and depression. 

Fatty Fish

Salmon and Tuna are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which are effective in boosting brainpower. The healthy fat aids in regulating the functioning of the brain. 


Blueberries are filled with Vitamin C that provides relief to the body and mind. They are also rich in antioxidants that have positive effects on the brain.

These are only some of the foods that help in preventing anxiety attacks. Other foods that reduce anxiety are almonds, lean meat, dairy products, spinach and cinnamon!

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