In this era, after the faithful service of 130 years, the “prototype kilogram” measures were just replaced by new standards which are actually based on the Law of fundamental Physics.
In Versailles France, New Definition of Kilogram was adopted at the international conference in last year November went into effect on Monday. A kilogram is based on the Planck Constant which is unvarying, a tiny number which plays a vital role in the Fundamental Quantum Physics theory.
Better you can measure, more things you can do. Each time we reduce many uncertainties in the Kilogram Measurement and we are open to different opportunities for people to innovate, said Andy Henson, Director of International Bureau of Measurement and Weights in Sevres.
The measurement of Kilogram has been changed only because to create unchanging and precise value.
Image: Kilogram prototype
changes are displayed at a Paris museum, which features 3 main layers of
protective glass.
Mass of singular physical object, Kilogram is now defined as Planck Constant which is the ratio of the frequency of light and quantum energy of that frequency.
Mass is intrinsically related to energy as E=mc squared. Too quantum phenomena are combined for the creation of electrical power and can be used to measure the mass which can be based on mechanical power. Much care had been taken regarding Measurement updates of Kilogram