The temperature around the globe raised rapidly in the late 20th century
the most in the last 2 millennium. Paris broke the all-time record with the
highest temperature soaring up to 42.6°C (108.7°F) with a deadly scorching wave.
According to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory studies of simulation of early 20th-century global warming appeared in two distinctive periods, one from 1925 to 1944 and the other from 1978 till now. ‘While the latter warming is often attributed to a human-induced increase of greenhouse gases, causes of the earlier warming are less clear since this period precedes the time of strongest increases in human-induced greenhouse gas (radioactive) forcing’, reports GFDL.
The National Research Council (NRC) the report labels 2 aspects of climate variability. First is the natural variability due to the external forces like variations in sun, volcanoes and also the orbital variations of the planet around the sun, for example, droughts in Africa and the unsustainable monsoons. Second is the natural variability due to the internal climate system such as changes between atmosphere and ocean which can appear even in an unchanged climate.
Climate change has hence been one of the most debated scientific issues
for the past 2 decades. Experts and researchers note the sea levels, degrading
air quality and unsteady pattern of the weather as major reasons for climate
change. A team of World Health Organisation (WHO) say that global warming has
been responsible for many deaths every year that would multiply by 2030.
The last sweltering summer heat was recorded to be struck at California in 2006 in which around 600 people lost their lives due to heat-related problems.